Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Menjadi Duta

kamu yang selalu mengunjungi blog abang budiman ,ini saatnya buat kamu yang masih duduk di bangku SMP dan SMA..buruan ya.. Menjadi duta indonesia ! bukan duta Sheila on7

PRIC was founded in 1985 as the successor to the
foremost educational camp for high school students
in Japan, the All Japan Student Camp (AJSC).
AJSC was established by The Yomiuri Shimbun,
a leading national newspaper, in 1951 as the
1rst educational camp to develop future leaders of
Japan, when the country was on the path of reconstruction
from the devastation of World War II.
Every summer, approximately 100 high school students
gathered from all over Japan to experience
friendship, leadership, and fellowship by camping
together in wilderness. From among these students,
one was chosen each year to represent Japan at
Camp Rising Sun, an international scholarship
summer camp founded in upstate New York, U.
S. A. , in 1930. Today over 3,000 alumni of AJSC
are playing active roles in a wide range of  elds in
Japan and overseas.

On the occasion of the United Nations International
Youth Year in 1985, the camp was expanded
to include campers and staff from other countries
of the Paci c Rim, a move that was made possible
thanks to the generosity of corporate donors. This
shift to an international camp was the beginning of
what has since been known as Pacific Rim International
Camp, now in its 25th year.

In order to help meet the challenges of globalization,
PRIC aims to promote cultural appreciation
and international friendship through close interaction
day in and day out among the campers. It is a
miniature version of the highly diversi ed Paci c
Rim in a Japanese setting. The camp’s goal is
to help the campers learn the importance of personal
contribution in building a multinational society
based on friendship.
As the camp is hosted in Japan, we feel it is both
our privilege and our obligation to inspire cultural
appreciation among the campers through opportunities
to see Japan—both traditional and modern—
with their own eyes. We trust this will in turn induce
appreciation for other cultures and contribute to the
building of a truly diversi ed society.

In the spirit of traditional summer camps, PRIC
endeavors to provide a character-building experience
by encouraging friendship, leadership, and
fellowship. Based on 59 years of experience, we
believe that the most effective means of promoting
such ideals in a limited period of time is communal
living. The camp additionally strives to educate the
campers about nature and deepen their appreciation
for the environment.

In sum, PRIC’s programs and activities are
designed to train the body, mind, and spirit towards
creating young international pioneers--the leaders
of tomorrow.

source : Duta negara


Albert Kennedy said...

wah inggris bangeet,kayak jalan jalan ngak pakai peta...tapi ngak apakan komentarnya Indonesia punya,dan ngak nyambung tuh sama tulisanya..he..

the beauty of riau said...

wah hebat nih abang jadi duta bangsa.